Our water is yellow, the color of pee
When mixed with pool chemicals, it turns the color of tea.
How can this happen, you ask; how can this be?
Because we live faraway from the city, in the country, you see.
So, I’m not a poet!
We have a well, which pumps water out of the ground for our use. This well is a fair distance from our house, so the water travels through several hundred feet of pipe before reaching our indoor plumbing system.
The water is yellow because our water has a high level of iron in it. While it is still considered safe to drink (we’ve had it tested multiple times over the years), the yellow water stains everything it touches – food (yellow rice, anyone!), dishes whether glass or plastic (“Auntie Carole, I think you need new plastic containers. These look old and grungy,” a niece challenges!), clothing (ever want to have blue jeans look aged? Well, we have the answer!). It even stains concrete and rocks! So, can’t even imagine what it can do to teeth!
Anyway, to solve this yellow-staining problem, five years ago we had a whole-house water filtering system installed. The equipment and supplies for this system take up quite a bit of space in our garage. And, it has to be serviced once a year and, if we notice any problems, serviced then, too.
So, yesterday, the water service team was out doing standard maintenance.
And, a half hour ago, I was suddenly awakened from a dead sleep by a terrific noise! It sounded like a combination of whooshing and gushing and I sat bolt upright in bed yelling “What was that?” My husband yells back from the netherworld of the bathroom, “I flushed the toilet. We have air in the pipes.” Maybe an earthquake could have scared me more? And, now I have insomnia and it’s 2:00 in the morning!
So, to recap:
Our water through a filtering system is pumped
But along the route it sometimes is bumped
Creating air pockets
That sound like rockets
When a toilet flushes
And the water whooshes and gushes.
Waking me from a sound slumber
In my exceeding comfortable bed that’s a Sleep Number
With squishy pillows that surround me
From dreamland where I was sawing zzzzz’s
Fighting insomnia at 2 in the morning
How I wish upon that well that instead I was snoring!
I warned you I’m not a poet!
Oh, about the pool “tea” – that’s another story!
Here are some pictures. Snooze…
Water system in our garage…
Our well…
P.S. The photo at the top of the post is Princess P and a friend making a wish in a fountain.
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I’m so sorry you woke up in the middle of the night, but then again, I got an interesting and funny story to read. 🙂