Photos Provided by The Dailey Method Rancho Bernardo/Poway Facebook Page
A couple of weeks ago, I went to check out The Dailey Method to see if it was a good fit, if this 60 Day Challenge would be something I could commit to. I was pretty nervous. I had no idea what to expect.
Of course Princess Sweetie Pie was not cooperating, therefore instead of arriving 10 minutes early as I should have, in my Toot Sweet fashion I enter totally frenzied 30 seconds before the class starts. Wow…
Stephanie Firenze, the owner of The Dailey Method RB/Poway, was so nice about my tardiness (not that I recommend being late) and took Princess Sweetie Pie into the childcare room for her hour of fun, while I entered the studio, not knowing that the next hour would be a life changing experience.
My trial class was amazing. It kicked my butt and left me wanting more! I felt great! The couple of days following my trial class I was sore. The good sore. The kind of sore that makes you feel like you did something that’s worth it. I felt my body getting stronger and leaner after only one class! Yes, I know this is probably all in my head; but I’ll tell you, I couldn’t wait to do this again and start this challenge!
What can you do in 60 days?
Can you change your life in 60 days?
Is 60 days REALLY a long time?
These are all questions that crossed my mind as I signed the dotted line, committing to The 60 Day Challenge at The Dailey Method RB/Poway two weeks ago.
So, what is The Dailey Method you ask? As described on their website, “The Dailey Method is a one-hour class combining ballet barre work, core conditioning, stretching, and orthopedic exercises. The classes effectively strengthens, tones, and lengthens the entire body providing quick physical results.” And it’s amazing! And it’s the only fitness program I have ever enjoyed and wanted more of!
How did I get myself into this? Well, I belong to a group of San Diego Mom-Bloggers on Facebook. I can’t say enough good things about this group of women! They are smart, nice and so incredibly supportive of each other! In this group, many posts are made for various reasons, including blogger opportunities. A fellow mom-blogger, The San Diego Momma , posted asking if anyone was interested in being her “Barre Buddy” for The 60 Day Challenge. I was all over it!
In exchange for blog posts and committing to this Challenge I had an amazing opportunity presented to me! I feel so fortunate! I can already feel a change in my body and mind after only two weeks! I can’t wait to see what 60 Days will look like!
It’s not always easy to get there; sometimes I’m sore and unmotivated, but there really isn’t an excuse. As I mentioned, they even offer childcare that the Princesses P seem to love! They always ask if we can go to “the exercise class”!
Added bonus, I’ve met some really nice people who I imagine I will know for a long time, since I plan on sticking with The Dailey Method as a part of my lifestyle even after the challenge is over.
Disclaimer: I am participating in The Dailey Method 60 Day challenge at no charge in exchange for writing blog posts about my experience. As always, all opinions and experiences in this post are my own.
Good for you…I know you can do it.
Thanks for the encouragement! I think I finally found the exercise program that I really love!
Kudos to you! You can do it for 60 days and then for a lifetime. I just joined a fitness challenge with an awesome blogger I know! Her name is Sadie Lanksford and she has a couple of amazing blogs. I love that you tried something new – that alone is always rewarding whether you like it or stick to it for the long haul – you did it! You stepped over the boundary of the unknown! Rock on!
Thank you Elizabeth! I really appreciate the encouraging words! I am so shocked at how much I like this program! Good luck with your challenge! Let me know how it goes. 😉