The above picture is our gorgeous cat, A Boy Named Coco. He has this little white mustache, like Charlie Chaplin, that makes him seem like he’s grinning ever so slightly. The Cheshire Cat’s grin before it burst forth, like on steroids.
Day 215
Well, today was a somewhat discouraging day. I’m not a depressed person by nature, so to have a “downer” day took a little “mind-meld” rejuvenation (my mind melding with my own mind from last month).
My husband had a doctor’s appointment this morning and got home just before noon. With a big Cheshire cat grin, he announced, “I’ve lost 8 pounds since my last appointment. I weigh 232!” He now weighs 2 pounds less than me! Well, that wouldn’t be so bad if I was 5’9″ tall and he was 5’2″ tall; but the opposite is true. So, moving forward, I envision we will always be in this flipped-flopped, upside-down and backwards universe where he weighs less than me until he reaches his goal weight, which of course, he will reach first!
I feel like I fell down the White Rabbit’s hole or is it a black hole? Or a worm hole? That’s it – I’ve fallen through a worm hole into a time warp where women are bigger and weigh more than men (I believe that was a Star Trek episode!). But, I’m confusing desire with reality, kinda like Alice.
Unfortunately, science has proven over-and-over-and-over again that men usually lose weight faster than women. It has something to do with metabolism, muscle mass, hormones and probably DNA. It has nothing, of course, to do with discipline and sacrifice (do I sound like I’m whining? I am whining!). So, to be clear, since I am not a doctor and don’t know squat about the science of men’s quicker weight loss, women have to work harder to lose the same amount of weight in the same period of time as men. How is that fair? Oh, I forgot – the “art” of weight loss isn’t a democracy. But, we women need to catch a break!
My reality is that I GAINED one pound this month. Yep; didn’t lose anything and managed to gain one pound back. My new weight is 234. I have plenty of excuses…do you want to hear them?
I could tell you that I haven’t gotten my mind back in the diet game from the invasion of holiday goodies.
I could tell you that I really didn’t make a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight, so I haven’t broken my New Year’s Resolution because I didn’t make one!
I could tell you that January is a sad month for me because I lost my father last January 19th (2013) and the anniversary of his death hit me hard.
I could tell you that my mother is currently in the hospital, as I write this, and I’m worried about her.
I could tell you that all I’ve been thinking about this month is comfort food and brownies. Eat my way through the pain – that’s what I’ve done.
But, in the end, those are only excuses. We can all find excuses to not do things we don’t want to do. But, you know what? A terrible thing happens until you do something. NOTHING! That’s right; nothing happens. So, until I do SOMETHING about Minding My P’s and Q’s (Portions and Quality), nothing will happen.
So, congratulations to my husband! I’m happy that he’s losing weight steadily and I want him to continue (it does make my life easier with meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking, etc.). He now has a new nickname, Cheshire Cat, and will be referred to in future blog posts as “CC”.
As for me, just call me Alice.
Tip of the Month: If you are on this weight loss journey with a spouse or a significant other of the male persuasion, more than likely they will surpass you on pounds lost in any given period of time. Accept it, own it, dust yourself off and move forward. You go girl!
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Dawn says
Sorry you’ve been in a funk. It was hard on me for a few days too remembering Dad. I hope you get your groove back soon; your story was cute though. Love you!
Carole says
Thanks, Dawn. I love you, too! For readers out there, Dawn is one of my sisters. The anniversary of my father’s death has been a source of great pain for all my family. My father was loved by so many and he is greatly missed.
Well, CC is just soooo very handsome! I feel for you girlie. I’ve been there when I was at my heaviest, being upwards of 75 pounds heavier than my children’s father. He never struggled with his weight though or was trying to lose weight like I was, so I don’t know what that’s like. I commend you for celebrating his weight loss, but it really is an individual journey, huh? But keep supporting each other and you both will win!
Thanks, Amee! Appreciate your kind comments and your support! You have your own amazing story to share and I hope readers will click over to your blog and check it out! You are awe-inspiring!