Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are having a wonderful day with family and friends and celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday by counting your blessings!
Since it is Thanksgiving Day, I want to share with readers a blogger friend (well, really, she’s more than that; but I’ll cover that later), who writes a Thankful Thursdays post weekly. She started just before Thanksgiving last year, so has more than 55 Thankful Thursdays posts on her blog. Actually, I think she just posted her 56th last week, so today will mark her 57th.
I’m inspired that she counts her blessings and shares her gratefulness with her readers on a regular basis. Her Thankful Thursdays post lists things both small and large, depending on what’s swirling around her at any given moment. I subscribe to her blog, so when that weekly post hits my email, I’m subtly reminded that I, too, should count my blessings and I don’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to do it!
Over the years I’ve attempted to count my blessings on a regular basis, but like any other resolution to do better, my thankfulness falls by the wayside after a short time. So, I rather like that via Elizabeth, I’m reminded to stop, think, look, listen and whisper a grateful “thank you” to a higher power.
So, thank you, Elizabeth, for reminding readers to look around and count our blessings! For this, I’m including Elizabeth and her blog, Pirate Prerogative, under The Red Plate category of our blog.
Just a quick reminder to readers that don’t know about The Red Plate series: this is our way of recognizing others for a job well-done. Other than that, there are no “rules” in this category. To find out more about The Red Plate series, read the very first post in that category, The Red Plate Goes to Julie Washington.
Elizabeth and her husband share a love of pirates and Disney. So, her blog is built around that love and includes really cute pirate lingo. Here’s a snippet:
She calls herself the Quartermaster and her husband, The Captain.
Their wedding, in October six years ago, was styled around the Nightmare Before Christmas movie (see their wedding cake below!).
And, her adorable 2-year-old son is known as The First Mate.
On top of her weekly Thankful Thursdays posts, she runs a couple of other regular series:
Shiver Me Timbers Tuesdays are monthly posts about the crazy little things that young children do as they grow. Her posts include adorable pictures of The First Mate doing crazy little things like a partial headstand over one of their pugs (they have 3 pugs known as Sea Dogs on the blog) or taking his father’s wallet and putting it in his back pocket so he could “bye. I go get Diet Coke” like his dad! I love these posts because it reminds me how miraculous little minds are and how they learn by watching adults. This one, from September, had me rolling in the aisles I was laughing so hard: September – Shiver Me Timbers or this one: March – Shiver Me Timbers.
She also does a monthly round-up of her past posts and links them under her Pirates Log. So creative! Plus, she has a Sea Dog Saturday series, where she features readers dogs. She has a form on her site that readers can complete and she’ll feature your pet! I wrote her one time and suggested she include cats, so she came up with Ship’s Cat Saturday, too, and featured Coco! If you want to see my beautiful Coco (since lord knows I don’t feature him enough on this blog!), you can read her post here: Ship’s Cat Saturday – Coco.
So, thanks Elizabeth, for inspiring creativity, writing from your heart and sharing your 2-year-olds antics with readers! Thar she blows: Pirate Prerogative (check her out!).
P.S. Elizabeth is married to Tiffany’s step-brother. So, she’s Tiffany’s step-sister-in-law. And, my step-niece-in-law. How’s that for a family tree? Just another “modern family” {grin}.
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Thanks for adding me to The Red Plate series. I am sarcastic and cynical by nature, so I always want to stop and look at the daily treasures life brings. Having a child has really brought out my mushy side, I guess. I never really post Thankful Thursdays expecting people to read them, but it’s nice to know that people do. The fact that it motivates and inspired others to express their gratitude is a wonderful bonus.
You’re welcome, Elizabeth! We’re always happy to support and showcase other bloggers!