I’m a big Star Trek fan. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I’m a “Trekkie” because I’ve never dressed up in a Star Trek costume (I dressed up as a crayon once though), talked Klingon or attended Comic-Con, although Comic-Con is here every year in my city! It has grown so massive I’ll probably never get a chance to go now {sad face}. It runs July 23 to July 27 this year, if you are interested!
Anyway, I’m a baby boomer, so when Star Trek first blasted onto TV screens in 1966, I was 11-years-old. Literally blown away but the premise, characters, story-line, effects, etc., I was crestfallen when it was cancelled in 1969. Thanks to reruns and Trekkies, I didn’t have to go without my Star Trek fix for long.
Okay, here’s a pop quiz: today is my birthday {grin}. If I was 11-years-old when Star Trek debuted, how old am I today? I know, I know – women should keep their age a deep dark secret, but you know what? I’m passed the point of caring {grin}.
And, I received the most glorious surprise in the mail from my friend, Vanessa, a fellow blogger in Australia! She sent me TimTams and passionfruit pulp all the way from Australia! There is, of course, a “back-story” to these two gifts and you can read all about Vanessa and our escapades here:
- Bloggy Boot Camp Revealed
- Barefoot with Friends and Vanessa’s Pavlova
- Vanessa’s Rainbow, Tim Tam and Vegemite
I’m hoarding the passionfruit pulp while I contemplate the fabulous desserts I’ll create. So, stay tuned because I promise to “make it so” {grin}. Thanks, Vanessa; you are the best of the bestest! I can’t believe you would spend so much money (almost $30) to mail me a gift! Love you to pieces!
Anyway, this auspicious occasion marks one year since I started my weight loss plan, which I christened The Incredible Shrinking Woman. If you missed any of my monthly posts, you can catch-up here:
- Confessions of The Incredible Shrinking Woman
- Cankles and Zits
- Minding Your P’s and Q’s (Portions and Quality)
- Sports, Gaming, Technology and a Can of Tuna
- Hot Stuff
- The Spice of Life
- Curve Ball
- Where Else Will You See Such Horses and Men?
- The Cheshire Cat’s Grin
- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!
- Beverage of Champions
- Vitamin Therapy
- The Chew
Within this year’s time, I’d hoped to have dropped significant pounds. Because, I’m significantly overweight and need to loss significant pounds {grin}.
But, something happened this past year: I’ve had “trouble with Tribbles” and morphed into a food blogger!
That’s right, I went through a wormhole (or a blackhole) and ended up a food blogger instead of a lifestyle blogger (my original intent).
Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m not unhappy about being a food blogger {grin}, but it does wreck havoc on a weight reduction plan unless you are a dieting, weight loss, Paleo, low fat, low carb, low calorie, etc., etc., etc., food blog. I’m none of those because I’ve been chasing traffic and my traffic comes from various food-related websites like Pinterest and recipe aggregators! My blog recipes have evolved to more traditional, comfort-food type recipes.
“Fascinating,” as Mr. Spock would say {grin}.
And, as Data would profess in describing my utter lack of reaching my goals because of my evolving culinary activity, “our neural pathways have become accustomed to your sensory input patterns.” Yep, my sensory input patterns (eating habits) haven’t been the best these last few months and my neural pathways (my body) has paid the price {grin}.
Developing, creating and making luscious desserts, creamy, cheesy, comforting casseroles, and finger-licking appetizers, my “resistance is futile.” And, as the daughter of a prisoner of war for 3 years in WWII (see my post, Perspective: December 8, 1941), I grew up with the understanding that you don’t waste food. So all those luscious desserts, creamy, cheesy, comforting casseroles and finger-licking appetizers don’t end up in the garbage, but rather in my tummy {grin}.
Here’s the good news: while I haven’t (yet) met the weight loss goals that I set out to achieve, I have lost 30 pounds and kept those 30 pounds off. But, how do I “boldly go where no one has gone before” and mind-meld an evolving culinary journey with a weight reduction plan so that I’ll “live long and prosper?”
Well, critics would probably advise “make it so.” And, they would be right. But, at my advanced age {grin} and stage of life, knowing my past history with weight issues and my stress triggers, how do I “engage”?
I’ll take the “second star to the right” and head “straight on ’til morning…”
Very creatively written post! You manage history, science fiction, humor and fact very well in your storytelling. I enjoy your blog a lot!
Awwww…thanks so much, Heidi! What a wonderful thing to say! You made my day! 🙂
Happy birthday fellow Trekker! The math was easy for me since I was born in 1966 – however, I will refrain from demonstrating my addition skills. Hope you have a great day and continue to live long and prosper. 🙂
You’re just a baby! Thanks for the birthday greetings and yes, I had a great day!