Please welcome guest contributor and fellow foodie, Kyle Ohman, as he reflects on the memories of him spending time in the kitchen and what quality family time means to him.
Life is a collection of memories. As time continues to move forward unflinchingly, it can seem that years pass in the blink of an eye. And, while time can blend together, it is the cherished memories that stand out and give a history to our lives. Good memories can happen anywhere, but if you are actively looking to create them, there will be a lot more opportunities to do so.
Over the years, I have discovered that one of the best places to make lasting family traditions is in the kitchen. Everyone loves to eat, but it is also so much fun spending time preparing different meals together as a family. Whether it is getting ready for a midweek dinner, making school lunches for the next day, or a big family holiday meal, these are all times where quality family time can happen.
[convertkit form=5279526]As a parent, though, it is up to you to create this family environment in the kitchen. You want a space that encourages your kids to join you and be a part of all the food prep that happens every day. And don’t worry if you aren’t the best cook, you can learn as you go. What is important is the joy that comes with everyone being in the kitchen together.
My Childhood Experience
When you grow up in a family with six other siblings, going out to eat is a special occasion. Looking back, I do not blame my parents at all for this. I know I wouldn’t want that bill at the end of a meal, and I am sure we weren’t always the quietest and most innocent kids.
Either way, that meant a lot of family dinners at home. Luckily for me (and the rest of my family), my mom was an excellent cook. Dad would make a few of his “famous creations” from time to time, but it was primarily my mom who did the cooking. From roasts to homemade mac and cheese to cookies to whatever, her food covered the spectrum, and it was all delicious.
As you can imagine, cooking for nine people is a feat in and of itself and requires a substantial amount of work. My mom, being the smart woman that she is, decided pretty early to put us kids to work in the kitchen with her. And, while not every day was a memory that would last a lifetime, there were still plenty of happy memories that came from preparing the next family meal.
At 33, I can still vividly recall conversations and memories that stemmed from that kitchen. I can still picture the old school yellow stove, dated cabinets, and the white-legged kitchen table in the corner. As a family, we were able to make a ton of great memories as we prepared dinner or cleaned up after. And, as with most things, I didn’t always appreciate it in the moment, but looking back, I am so thankful for all the time we spent together in the kitchen.
Today, you can see this passed down with the majority of my siblings as well. My older brother, who is also an excellent cook, will often take the lead on the meal for family get-togethers. His love for cooking, as well as the rest of my siblings, all started in that small kitchen with the yellow stove, dated cabinets, and white-legged kitchen table. Today, that same love for cooking is being passed down to the next generation of kids in my family.
It all started with my mom encouraging us to get in the kitchen. Without her including us, or even making us help at times, we all would’ve missed out on so many great memories and family traditions.

Photo by Daria Obymaha on Pexels
Meals at Family Holidays
When it comes to holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Independence Day, etc., there is no better time to get in the kitchen together as a family.
When you need to prepare multiple dishes for a party, it is time for all hands on deck! This is an ideal situation for quality family time in the kitchen. So do your best to create a fun environment that is not overly stressful and encourage your family to jump in and help.
If someone doesn’t know what they are doing, no worries; invite them to be an assistant. Regardless of what everyone’s cooking skills are, there is still something that they can do to help out. Also, the more that people help, the more they are going to be able to brag about what they helped to make and will also enjoy eating it more as well.
It is up to you to create a welcoming environment that is going to include as many family members as possible.

Photo by Stefan Vladimirov on Unsplash
Getting Rid of Your Excuses
One of the biggest reasons that people shy away from the kitchen is a lack of confidence. That doesn’t have to be the case! Even if you aren’t the most experienced cook or baker, there are plenty of cooking resources online that are always available to you. These resources will allow you to be able to follow step-by-step instructions on delicious recipes. Before you know it, you will have all the confidence that you need, and may even start experimenting with your own methods or make something from scratch.
Another reason you might be hesitant to get in the kitchen is a lack of pans, pots, and other kitchen tools. And, while you do need specific kitchen tools for certain types of dishes, you don’t have to have every little tool there is to get started. Use what you have, borrow from friends, and begin to purchase your different kitchen tools as you need them. It won’t be long till you are the one that friends and family are asking to borrow from.
The Value of Learning to Cook
By encouraging your family to join you in the kitchen, you will not only be able to spend time together but also teach them a much-valued skill. You will be able to pass on recipes that you have gotten from your parents, or maybe the one you just learned the other day. And, while recipes can always be adjusted and changed, the skills that you teach your kids will stay with them over the years.
Being able to cook is not only going to allow your kids to continue to make lasting memories in the kitchen as they get older. It will also enable them to be able to cook the foods they enjoy, save money, and give them better control of their diets.
Lastly, and maybe most importantly, it will also allow your kids to spend time in the kitchen with their kids down the road. You will be able to start new family traditions in the kitchen that will be passed down to the next generation.

Photo by Jennifer Murray from Pexels
Spending Quality Family Time in the Kitchen Conclusion
There are only so many hours in a day, and with busy schedules, you must be able to carve out family time. Well, one thing that you do daily (usually multiple times) is sit down to eat. So why not turn the time that it takes to prepare breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks into quality family time? You will be able to maximize your time together, and also get something productive done. Before you know it, you will have a brand new family tradition of congregating around the kitchen and enjoying each other’s company.
As a side bonus, the food you make is naturally only going to continue to improve as you go. You will be able to try out and experiment with new recipes, as well as fine-tune the family recipes that have been passed down to you. A whole new world of food will be open to you and your family!
As a final note, not everyone has to be cooking all together at the same time either. If it doesn’t take much help to make a specific meal, still encourage your family to spend time together around the kitchen. Put on some music, talk about your days, etc. Make the kitchen a hub for family activities, conversation, and, ultimately, quality time.
Have any thoughts on this post or tips that would benefit others? Please feel free to share them below in the comments!
Author Bio
Lover of all things list related, Kyle Ohman, is the head writer for and enjoys writing on a variety of different topics. Some of his favorites are fitness, sports, cooking, and life in general. Outside of writing, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends, beach volleyball, and traveling.
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