Jingle Ball 2012 – in one word: Awesome. And, ME at Jingle Ball 2012 – how did that happen? I still can’t believe it. I was invited as a guest of my ex-brother-in-law’s wife (it’s complicated). My ex-brother-in-law, Joel, is Tiffany’s father. More than 20 years ago he married Patti, Tiffany’s step-mother, and we have been one happy family ever since.
Tiffany’s father, Joel, is a professional photographer. Some of the most beautiful pictures on our blog have been taken by Joel, who is a talented, incredible photographer. Here are links to a few of them:
- A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (taken with an iPhone)
- Who We Are
- Favorite Picture of the Week – September 6, 2012
- Favorite Picture of the Week – September 13, 2012
- First Day of Autumn – 2012
- Never Too Late
- Each Other
You can visit his website and his blogs (he has two blogs – one that is dedicated to the iPhone) here and here and here.
I like to occasionally remind Joel that the reason he became a photographer was because of me. Yep. Because.Of.Me. The brief back story: we (me and my boyfriend at the time because I wasn’t yet married to Charlie) went to Disneyland with Joel and Gail (my sister and his girlfriend at the time). We were all in our twenties, so I hate to admit this was 35+ years ago, but it was. I had a relatively fancy, dancy camera at the time (nothing like Joel has today!) and had it hanging around my neck. I liked to think that I was a good photographer (I wasn’t – just had the fancy, dancy camera) and took it most places with me. At one point, Joel asked if he could see it. So, I took it off my neck, handed it to him, told him a little bit about how it worked and he kept it the rest of the day. Yep. The rest of the Disneyland day!
And, the rest is history. So, while I like to claim that Joel is a great photographer because of me, it’s not true. Because after that Disneyland day, he went out and got his own camera, enrolled in classes, studied hard, worked hard, took thousands of photos creating fantastic photographs resulting in jobs and then he turned professional.
So, back to the Jingle Ball 2012 story. He’s the official photographer for the San Diego Jingle Ball 2012 sponsored by radio station Star 94.1 and he has been for several years. So, while he works Jingle Ball, they comp him a couple of tickets and his wife Patti goes usually along with one of their 3 kids (either Tiffany, Rhianna or Joe). Well, a funny thing has happened to all three kids – they grew up and they aren’t kids! In fact, they have their own kids! So, going to Jingle Ball for them involves finding babysitters and dealing with spouses who get left behind because there’s only ONE additional ticket!
That’s how I got lucky!
I have only been to Jingle Ball one other time. My sister Gail (Tiffany’s mother and Joel’s ex-wife) and I went in 2001. And it was fabulous! FAB.U.LOUS! I don’t remember exactly where it was (a large amphitheater) because it was in 2001, eleven years ago! But, the line-up included Barenaked Ladies, Alanis Morissette, Blondie, Sugar Ray with Mark McGrath, and the undeniably fabulous, Stevie Nicks. A very memorable evening.
December 9, 2012 was also one of those memorable evenings and while Jingle Ball has scaled down in recent years (is it the economy?), and plays in a smaller venue (Anthology), and is now an acoustical show instead of performers with full band backup, it is no less awesome. This year’s performers were Hedley and Lifehouse.
Hedley is a pop punk band from Canada. I’ve provided a link to their site. Their newest release is “Kiss You Inside Out” and there’s a video on the link provided. While they’ve been around since 2004, they are better known in Canada. Here’s a picture of me and Patti with Hedley:
As if the show wasn’t already fabulous with Hedley’s performance, then Lifehouse came on stage. Incredible. Did I mention that both acts do this pro bono? For the charity Becky’s House?
Here’s me and Patti with Lifehouse:

Me and Patti with Lifehouse – left to right: bassist Bryce Soderberg, lead singer Jason Wade, drummer Rick Wollstenhulme, Jr.
They are well known and have sold 15,000,000 records. Some of their well known songs include “You and Me”, “Hanging by a Moment”, “First Time”, “Whatever It Takes,” and “Halfway Gone.”
Oh, did I mention we got to meet the bands backstage and got signed posters?
Here’s Jason Wade singing – yum!
Anyway, one of the most memorable moments for me was when Jason Wade did a cover of the John Lennon song, “So This Is Christmas”. He was fabulous and I know it is probably sacrilege for someone my age and my generation (John Lennon’s generation) to say this, but he was as good as John Lennon and did the cover justice.
Here’s a link to the photos of the performances, here’s a link to the photos from the Meet & Greet with Lifehouse and here’s a link to the photos of the Meet & Greet with Hedley, all taken by Joel and on Star 94.1’s website.
A few words about Becky’s House: domestic violence is a serious problem in our society. The numbers are staggering (I believe Heather Finlay, the CEO of the YWCA and present at Jingle Ball 2012, stated 300,000 in San Diego County alone!) and places of refuge, like Becky’s House, are a much needed resource in our communities. Not many people know this (I guess they will now), but I was the victim of domestic violence. Charlie is my 2nd husband. My first husband, who will remain nameless, abused and terrorized me. I don’t remember much about this time in my life (I was 19) and have blocked most of it from my memory. One of the things I do remember is that my 1st husband’s father begged me not to marry him on our wedding day. I didn’t listen.
I didn’t seek help from a resource such as Becky’s House. I didn’t seek help at all. I was too ashamed. A friend called my parents (who had moved to California) and told them. My father drove across country to get me without telling me ahead of time. He showed up on my doorstep in tears and begged me to come with him. I did. He hired an attorney in the state where I was living and started divorce proceedings. I moved to California and have never looked back.
If you haven’t yet figured it out by all the posts about eldercare on this blog, my parents are my heroes and every day of my life is a tribute to them: to their love, their strength, their guidance. When I was 31 or 32, I moved back home again because of another bad situation happening in my life (maybe I’ll talk about it in the future). One day, I was having a particularly bad day. I was in the shower and started crying. I thought I was crying relatively softly, but what I didn’t know is that the plumbing pipes in my parents’ old house were connected and the sound of me crying carried into the other bathroom. My mother heard me. She came into my bathroom and climbed into the shower with me, fully clothed, held me tight and cried with me. As I’ve said, my parents are my heroes.
If you are a victim and someone reaches out to you, to help you, take the help and don’t look back. Accept help whether is it from family, friends, social service organizations such as Becky’s House or whatever. Help is out there…you just have to accept it. If giving to charity at Christmas time (or any other time) is on your list, Becky’s House is a worthy cause.
Here are 10 Christmas Wishes from me to you:
On a lighter note, today is the First Day of Winter. Per my earlier post, Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door, I have a few things I need to do, so I’d better go do them!
I’d should verify with you here. Which isn’t one thing I often do! I enjoy studying a submit that can make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to remark!
You’re welcome. Thanks for dropping by!
Wow that sounds like a great night! Lucky you!
My mum married a man she’d known for nine months at the age of nineteen and all was fine until they returned from their honeymoon, and the controlling and berating and the beating began. It took eight years for her to walk away because he’d damaged her self esteem so badly, and she left with just a suitcase. The guy was such a nut-job that, years later, when they were in court over what he owed her, he threatened us kids – said he’d throw acid in our faces (our father isn’t him, by the way. Dad is the sweetest, most generous man in the world. He’s also a schizophrenic and an alcoholic but he has a heart of gold!). Doug died a few years back and mum laughed when she heard the news. I can’t imagine what it’s like being in that situation, but mum brought me up to be everything she wished she’d been at the time (stubborn, strong-willed, self-assured) so hopefully I’ll never find out. Unfortunately it does mean that many men find me intimidating…!
OMG, Vanessa! Your Mum had a really tough go of it. I’m so glad she got out, even if it took her eight years. Nineteen is too young (for most) to marry, as both your mother and I found out. He does sound like a complete nut job, but they usually are. They will use whatever intimidation that they think will work to get what they want. I’m glad she’s been able to move on with her life. Thanks for the comment. Sharing these types of stories is so very important because maybe we can help someone, who is in this very situation, get help and move on! Sending love and best wishes to you down under for a very Merry Christmas!
It’s been a while since one of your stories made me cry. This one did. I started dripping with the part about the shower. You are amazing. I love you.
Well, we had amazing parents. We were blessed to be born to them (Perspective) and we are blessed to have a loving, close family. I love you, too.
Carole, I remember the Jingle Bell concert like it was just yesterday. It was at the Cox Arena at SDSU. We sat so close to the stage that it was hurting my ears a little but it was so much fun. I remember Alanis Morrisette was so awesome as well as Stevie Nicks. I’ve been to Anthology with some friends and it is a really cool place. It’s a small venue but the sound is so good. I really enjoy reading your’s & Tiffany’s blog. The problem is that I keep getting tearing eyed reading some of your stories. Your a great writer so keep up the good work. Love you.
Thanks for remembering where it was. You must have driven! I kept thinking it was at Coors Amphitheater, but I wasn’t sure that Coors was around back then. Yes, it was an amazing night with amazing, memorable performers and performances. Thanks for reading our blog. I know some are emotional, but making people “feel” the emotion is part of the process. You probably “feel” it more than most (as do Dawn and Glenn) because you’ve “lived” it with me. Love you, too!