Day 1
OMG, how did this happen? I have cankles and zits! 21 months ago, I weighed 90 pounds less. In 21 months, I have gained 90 pounds of the 105 pounds I lost! (See earlier post: Confessions of the Incredibly Shrinking Woman). 21 months ago, I had been on a weight loss program for the previous 27 months and lost a total of 105 pounds with another 40 pounds as a goal. And, then, 21 months ago – BAM! Off the program and no more focusing on me. One-by-one, many of my old nasty habits have returned and my body is paying the price!
I guess the good news is that I haven’t, yet, regained all that weight; but I’m close. I have a closet-full of clothes 6 sizes smaller that I can no longer wear. My “new normal” wardrobe consists of a few jeans and t-shirts and they are all a little tight. For my birthday last year, my mother gave me about 10 new shirts; nice shirts. She was tired of always seeing me in faded, too tight t-shirts. The problem is that every shirt she gave me was a size 3X; and, unfortunately, they fit!
And, I have 13 zits. I’m 58-years-old and I have zits! Not just one or two, but 13! I was reading a story to my 3-year-old great-niece recently (Princess Sweetie Pie) and she reached up and touched one of them with her index finger and said “ouwee”. It was a moment right out of “ET: the Extra-Terrestrial” where he raises his index finger and it glows red. Except it was my zit that was glowing red! Anyway, I said “yes, I have lots of ouwees” and started reading again. Wonder if when she is 58-years-old and one of her earliest memories of me are the great-aunt with lots of “ouwees”? I shudder at the thought!
I’m a slug – sit all day at my computer and then all night in front of the TV. The only time this pattern changes is when I’m visiting elderly relatives or leave the house to shop (and I hate to shop!). On occasion, I meet girlfriends for lunch or dinner, but the rest of the time I’m a slug.
So, this morning I weighed myself, vowing to start over again. I weigh (drum roll please) 263 pounds.
Last diet go-around, I found I was much more accountable if I weighed myself every day. Sometimes it was discouraging because it might be several days before I would log a loss, and sometimes, it would reflect a gain. But, if I weigh myself daily, rather than weekly, I think I’ll be more successful.
Tip of the Month:
Weigh yourself every day and record the results.
So, my goals for this month?
Weigh myself every day and record the results – the good, the bad and the ugly.
Be mindful about what I eat and record what I eat; don’t count calories, but record what I eat and how much.
Drinks lots of water; not really a problem for me because I don’t drink sodas very often.
- Get rid of the zits!
We’ll see how it goes…baby steps!
Hi, I am so glad I found your blog . I have been struggling with my weight since I started taking certain medications. My brother-in-law put it to me this way ” You used to be skinny, really skinny!” as he looked through some old pictures. Well I can lose weight hopefully , but I’m not sure he can learn to be smarter. I’m hoping that by following your recipes and advice I will begin to lose weight. I have been contemplating radical weight loss options, but I would rather not. May I ask how tall you are? I’m 5’2 and 230 thanks to my new medication. Why can’t they make medication that says “Warning, this medicine may cause you to turn into a super model”? I’m being treated for Epilepsy and Psoriatic Arthritis so it’s not like I can stop my medication, though I have thought about it…. LOL
Best Wishes, Shelly
Hi, Shelly! Thanks for stopping in and I’m happy this post (and maybe some of the others) has value to you. Yes, I’ve had some insensitive comments over the years, so I can relate! I’m your height (5’2″), too. My weight has been a continual struggle for me, too, throughout my life since I was 11-years-old. Anyway, very best of luck to you as you continue your journey to health. I’ve been having some great success with the Whole30 program and if you haven’t ever heard of it and want more information about it, check out their website: Also, I’ve read both of their books and recommend them both. They are good reads, with tons of insight. You can get them on Amazon (NOTE: Toot Sweet 4 Two is an Amazon affiliate and if you make a purchase by using these links, I will make a small commission. This does not increase the price to you and thank you for helping to support this blog!). Here are links to those, too: The Whole30 and It Starts with Food.
Go Carole Go! Kathy
Thanks for the support, Kathy! We’ll see how it goes…